Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blog the 7th. In which Jaron rings the dinner bell.

Firstly, I need to express my surprise and a little disappointment that only one person voted for the black candidate. And that person was me. I initially voted polynesian, but changed it so it wouldn't look like such a landslide victory for ALL the other races.

Seriously. It's 2009. We put a black man in the White House, but you won't put one in your crock pot? Looks like we still have a looooong way to go.

Anyway, ladies and gentleman, we have a winner! Polynesian. No surprise. Fed on good wholesome foods (and a LOT of them), they tend to be perfectly marbled by nature's goodness.

Here is a recipe you might want to try.

Jaron’s Tangy Poly-Roast

1 large red onion, diced
3 cloves fresh garlic, minced
2 tsp. salt
1 diced red pepper
1 diced green pepper
2 8oz. cans pineapple juice
3 c. shredded coconut
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 coconuts (whole)
1 refrigerator box
1 Medium-sized Polynesian (female, if you can get it), aged 18-36

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large saucepan, combine oil, onion, garlic and peppers. Sautee until peppers are soft.

Into the refrigerator box, add the two whole coconuts along with the Polynesian. Roll down standard sized stair case three times or until desired tenderness.

Place tenderized Polynesian into a large Corningware roaster.

Add sautéed vegetables and pineapple juice.

Bake for 1 hr. 45 minutes, covered, then add the salt and shredded coconut.

Remove cover and bake for an additional 45 minutes.

Allow to cool for 15 minutes.

Serves 4.

Photo credit: Flickr
Photoshop credit: Jarrell. You get a cookie.


  1. as a contributor to the victory for best tasting race, I'm happy that a recipe has been provided. I only wish that I could enjoy something quicker, perhaps that I could take to work. Do you have a polynesian quesadilla recipe or something?

  2. One Polynesian serves four? Your butcher's ripping you off.

  3. Do you remove the BYU beanie before cooking?

  4. Would it be taboo to invite my poly friends over for the meal? You know that they have to be as curious as the rest of us.
