Friday, June 12, 2009

Jorky Jorky Jorky!

So NOOOW I learned how to put up a video that isn't just a link. Feels real good. Almost as good as a Jorkyball goal. Does anyone know what Jorkyball is? It seems like one of the twins had talked about it at some point and tried to explain it but could not. Anyway, we had an office tournament last night. Today everyone is quite sore. The Italians took first (because they cheated, as everyone knows Italians are wont to do), but me and this dude Christophe took second, and my value as a free agent is pretttty high right now. In the video you can hear me screaming for the ball to go in, and it worked, but the videographer missed the actual goal. You can also hear two people talking about whether or not I played college jorky. Pretty glorious night. Mom had asked if there's anything I do besides drink. Well now there is!
Oh, also, happy wedding day, Kin! Git some! Git it!


  1. Congratulations, Jaron, on TWO accomplishments!! 1. mastering the add-a-video to your blog thing and 2. finding an alternative activity to drinking! Muy bien!! :)

  2. Looks fun. I bet midgets love it because they feel like giants on a soccer field.

  3. Look at you having fun in France.....oh aren't you cool, Mr fancy pants. Playing exotic sports....what ever! So I can't upload video yet...I don't care, your not cooler then me....YOUR NOT COOLER THEN ME!!!!!!!!!

  4. your cordination astounds me... much like your tennis skills.

  5. Thanks for the heartfelt wedding wish - and yes, I did. Missed you at the festivities, but the song which I understand you contributed to, was awesome. Well done.
