A new poll! I will now tell two jokes, and you will vote on which one is funniest. I will not tell you which joke I said is funniest, because it is obvious to me that you people will know without any prompting. I told one, and a friend told one, and she insists that her joke is funny and mine is not. I said I'd put it up to a vote, and I predicted that at least 80% of respondents would side with me. So. I'm confident. Here you go.
Joke 1.
A panda walks into a bar and orders a sandwich. After he eats the sandwich, the bartender drops off his check. The panda doesn't even look at the check. He pulls out a revolver and blasts the bartender in the face and takes off without paying. Another patron finds this behavior to be a bit extreme. Then someone pulls out an encyclopedia and turns to P, for panda. Under the listing for panda it says: Eats shoots and leaves.
Joke 2.
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because seven eight (ate) nine.
Now it is up to you and your good taste to settle the bet. I'm not sweating this at all. Actually, now that both jokes are in print I'm almost embarrassed to have to do this at all. But I said I would, so I am.